Kicking things off

Hello everyone.

I must confess that this whole 'blogging' thing is rather new to me. Although I've infrequently kept a journal, I have never let anyone else read it, until now. I suppose I'll state my intentions here and go a little more in depth about what it is I'm doing and the different categories on the site.

What am I planning on doing? Well, I have a few more annoying little things to finish up with my first book, Separate Paths. Little things like not having any sort of cover artwork for it and having to reformat it for ebook publishing. But rest assured, once I've taken care of that, I'll post a link where you can buy the book if you should so desire. The book is divided into three major parts and you can find preview chapters under the Fatewalker Chronicles tab. I'm also fairly close to being finished with my second book, Hunted.

The site here is to promote my work and in addition to the books, I've spent quite a lot of my time playing video games, which I occasionally write about my experiences and reactions to. You can find these over in the Game Reviews section. I've been told by some folks that they're entertaining, so I don't mind sharing them.

I don't know much about setting up donate buttons or ad revenue or anything like that, but I plan to figure it out and I hope to one day use my words to earn a living instead of mucking about at my day job. I know, I know, I'm hopelessly idealistic and all that.

Not sure how often I'll update this blog here on the site, but you're welcome to tell me what you think about things here.

Thanks for reading.